Why You Might Require Minimally Invasive Surgery for Fertility

If you are struggling to conceive, it can be difficult for your family; however, you may not have to live like this, as you can benefit from several treatment options that promote pregnancy. Advanced procedures may be required depending on the complexity of your condition. That iswhy Dr. Kutluk Oktay offers minimally invasive surgery in New York, to ensure that you become well without much recovery time. This helps you to get back to your quality life faster, leaving your infertility complications behind. The following are ways you might benefit from this life-changing fertility procedure:

Ovarian Cyst Treatment

Ovarian cysts are common and sometimes resolve without treatment if left alone and keenly observed. However, they can be a cause for concern if they don’t go away on their own. Cysts as a result of endometriosis are commonly associated with fertility concerns. Your provider will remove the cysts through laparoscopy, a minimally invasive treatment procedure.

Managing Ectopic Pregnancies

If you have damaged fallopian tubes, your chances of getting pregnant become limited. This increases ectopic pregnancies where a pregnancy occurs, but the damaged fallopian tube fails to function correctly. This prevents the embryo from moving into the uterus, making it develop on the fallopian tube.  Creating a dangerous situation as the fallopian tube does not stretch as the uterus can, causing the fallopian tube to become too swollen and rupture, this can cause other severe complications; laparotomy can be performed early enough to prevent the rapture.

Managing Fibroids and Polyps

These are common occurrences of growths on the uterus walls that do not require treatment most of the time. However, the fibroids may occur in the wrong place or grow too large, interfering with the embryo’s implantation. They can cause decreased fertility and increase miscarriage risks. Fortunately, fibroids can be corrected through minimally invasive surgery.

Polyps are another common complication in the uterus involving benign growth inside the uterus. They can grow too large, decreasing the chances of implantation increasing the miscarriage rate. This can be managed through a hysteroscopy, which is a minimally invasive procedure.

Tubal Blockage Treatment

This is another common female fertility complication that can be corrected through a minimally invasive treatment option. It is a condition where your fallopian tubes can be blocked either initially as it leaves the uterus or at the end. A laparoscopy procedure can be recommended to evaluate your fallopian tube and make incisions at the end of the tube to open it. However, sometimes your provider can recommend removing the fallopian tube rather than correct it depending on the severity of your condition. A hysterectomy can be recommended, particularly if your tube is affected at the beginning of a catheter used in an attempt to open it.

Managing Pelvic Adhesions

You may not be able to conceive if your pelvic organs are stuck together. For example, your fallopian tubes can be stuck to another structure in the pelvis, preventing it from picking the egg as the ovary releases it. The ovaries can also be stuck to the abdomen wall affecting egg pick up and ovulation. Fortunately, such complications can be corrected during laparoscopy.

There are diverse ways minimally invasive surgery can benefit you as you deal with fertility complications. You can explore more by contacting Dr. Oktay at Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF.