Varicose veins appear when the valves in the veins do not work correctly, so the blood doesn’t flow properly. They often appear on feet and the legs. In most cases, the veins do not need treatment, but if aching, pain, or swelling results, treatment is needed. Riverside stenting addresses varicose veins treatment before the condition progresses, allowing for a comfortable, short recovery.
What Causes Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins appear when the valves in the veins do not function effectively, causing a blood pool. Aging contributes to their formation because they lose elasticity and weaken over time, making it difficult for blood to flow back to the heart. Pregnancy also leads to varicose veins due to increasing blood volume in the body.
Weak veins and vein valves usually cause varicose veins. The walls of the veins stretch and lose their elasticity, causing the valves to weaken. This can cause blood leakage and backwards flow. If this happens, the blood clots in the veins, causing them to become enlarged and swollen.
Treatment of Varicose Veins
If the patient has no discomfort from the varicose veins, treatment is not necessary. But if there are symptoms, treatment is needed to address complications, discomfort, and pain. Types of treatment include:
Surgery: If the varicose veins are large, they may need to be surgically removed. This is done by using a general anaesthetic.
Stripping and Legation: Two cuts are made, one is made down the leg, either at the knee or ankle, and another is made at the top of the target vein near the patient’s groin. The top of the vein is sealed, and a thin wire is stitched through the bottom of the vein. Compression stockings are worn during recovery.
Endovenous laser treatment: A catheter (flexible tube) is inserted in the patient’s veins, and a laser is threaded through it and then positioned at the top of the target. The doctor threads the laser with the help of ultrasound, burning and sealing the vein.
What Is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?
Varicose veins can progress from chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). This condition occurs when vein valves and walls stop working correctly, causing the blood to pool by interfering with blood flow. CVI symptoms include itchy or flaky skin on the legs or feet, tiredness or aching in the legs, leathery-looking skin on the legs, and stasis ulcers.
How is CVI Treated?
Improving blood flow in your leg veins can help alleviate CVI. Keeping your legs elevated helps increase blood flow and reduce swelling. Daily exercise also improves blood flow.
Sclerotherapy: This treatment is used if your case is more serious. A chemical is injected to flow into the affected veins. Blood flows back to the heart through other veins.
Surgery: The type of surgery used is ligation. The doctor will tie the affected vein so that no blood flows through the veins. If the valves are heavily damaged, they are removed.
If you are struggling with varicose veins, worry no more. Advanced Cardiovascular Care has a solution to your problem. Please book an appointment with them today and improve your confidence, comfort, and avoid further problems associated with varicose veins.