What to Look for in a Primary Care Provider

Dr. Juan Borja in Delray Beach is a great provider of primary health care. A primary care physician is vital for you to maintain the best overall health and wellbeing possible.

Primary health care involves health care for people of all ages, genders, and communities. Your personal healthcare needs will depend on your medical history and current state.

Having a primary caregiver will certainly take your health to the next level. It involves health screenings, disease prevention, vaccinations, and referrals to specialists among other functions.

Selecting a primary care provider is not easy and it helps to know what to look for in a provider.

You can look for the following:


The relationship between you and your primary care provider is very important. The key to any relationship is open and honest communication.

Therefore, when assessing different primary care providers, you should look for one with excellent communication skills. They should be able to explain even the most complex of medical issues in a way that you can understand.

You should be able to tell your primary caregiver of the most embarrassing of medical situations. If you feel like you can’t, you may harm yourself by not communicating such things.

Emergency Response

Though you may not need them now, you should ensure that your primary care provider can provide emergency services. For example, if you have an excruciating toothache, your doctor should be willing and able to respond to your case as urgently as possible.

Emergency response is absolutely necessary for more severe cases such as severe blood loss, strokes, and other such conditions. A primary care provider who cannot help you in a time of need is not much of one.

When you need a doctor in an emergency, it is best to have a doctor who has intimate knowledge of your medical history. It will increase the chances of healing and recovery from disease or injury.

Holistic and Personalized Treatment

One of the main reasons why you should get a primary care provider to handle your medical needs is that they will address your overall health. When you go for a health screening, they should check your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other vital signs that ensure holistic treatment.

You should also check for a primary care provider who addresses your medical issues personally and offers treatment on a case by case basis, not generic medical treatment. Personalized treatment will not only better treat ailments but will also help prevent diseases in the future.

Medical Connections

When choosing a primary care provider, you should ensure that they have as many connections to other medical professionals and institutions as possible. No doctor can handle everything so the more help they can get, the better it is for you.

Referrals to specialists are one of the functions of a primary caregiver. When you have an issue that needs specialized help such as sports injury or lung cancer, the specialists your primary care physician knows will make a world of difference.

The doctor will know the best specialists in the business which eradicates the need for much research.

The above tips should help you find a primary caregiver. If nothing else, they will help you narrow down your options.