I stumbled across Unlock Your Hip Flexors by a newsletters and decided to find if it could possibly help around solving different complications which arise from tight hip flexors like lower back pain and hip pain.
With going through this program I also reviewed Unlock your Hip Flexors’consumer reports, testimonials, feed backs, forums, and a lot different programs to analyze it. I have a pretty good feeling about what’s legit and what’s scam on World Wide Web.
The fact we never realize is that hip flexion is the root cause of our major problems. Hip are actually bridge between lower and upper body. Ever thought of back ache! When hip flexors get too tight, immediately pull top of hip bones forward or change your body posture by pulling body forward. This increases curve in your lower back. When you walk tightened hip flexors even stops deep butts from turning. Your hip healthy is necessary for effective movement, particularly large movement like running and walking.
Good news! If you are striving to break through plateaus with weight loss or you are trying to touch your peak performance, no matter what your fitness objectives are you can squeeze your progress even in less than fifteen minutes/day with this new Program Called Unlock Your Hip Flexors by Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal.
And I can say right now, that I am certain about Mike Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal really know what they are talking about. They have loaded the information about biomechanics and anatomy of Hip flexors in this eBook and sometimes the text get complicated. However information is given in step by step manner as well as in easy to understand syntax so a lay man can also understand and follow it.
At the end of this review you will discover a major stretch that will surprise you! It’s best time to breathe in a new life, strength and energy through unlocking your hip flexors. In this program there are easy ways to relieve you tightened hip flexors that can be done in the comfort, safety and privacy of your home. Explore yourself the sequential flow methodmakes to his flexibility, strength, energy and overall wellbeing. Unlocking your hip flexors is great eBook or system for any health or fitness professional who want to improve strength, performance and reduce pain.
More About the Creators of Unlock Your Hip Flexors – Reviewing Mike Westerdal and Kaselj!
Who is Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj a “go-to” personabout pain and injuries, but his learning is not form seminars and books, but from his own experience of struggling with pain and injuries. His journey into living pain free life begin with a serious back injury caused while he worked out wrongly. This back injury ruined his professional career and kept him away from living a successful and happier life. He didn’t like a life full of pain, suffering, drugs and appointments, so he started to research for a solution by to solve that crippling back pain.
Using himself as guinea pig he created strategies and techniques to heal his back injury and then he applied the on 1000s of professional, clients, readers and viewers to overcome pain in knee, back, shoulder, elbow and other body parts. Every day, over 80,000 individuals from the globe get help from Rick Kaselj and live a pain free and healthier life. Over 8152, health and fitness experts are taught by him around the globe.
Mike Westerdal
Mike Westerdal on the other hand is the founder of CritcialBench.com, the biggest strength site that help around half a million individual to achieve their fitness goals. He is also a Kettle Bell instructor and Personal trainer.
With powerlifting and sports training background, Mike Westerdal has teamed up with Rick Kaselj to overcome their nagging pain and injuries. Their mission is to share the Fix My Pain series and fix injuries and combating pain without the help of any drug, appointments and going under knife to live a happy, fullest and healthy life inside and outside the gym.
Overview of the Ebook
Without perfect hips, we cannot function properly. Hips really matter, in fact for everything our body does, even sitting, twisting, standing, reaching, walking, bending, stepping and the list goes on and on over our hips. This eBook helps to eliminate these common causes which tight hip flexors manifest.
- Improper posture
- Discomfort in walking
- Decreased athleticperformance
- Joint pains in legs, hips or lower back
- Compromised Immune System
- Hips locking up
- Problems with sexual performance
- High Anxiety
- Trouble sleeping
- Circulatory issues
- Digestive problems
- Sluggishness in daily life
In the eBook Unlock Your Hip Flexors, two major causes of tight hip Flexors are Sitting and a Pattern Overload which means repetitive movements over long period of time like running, heavy squatting and other related athletic movements.
Hips are very complex stricter having 4 major muscle groups which are responsible for hips to operate as intended however one group is particularly more responsible as compared to the other 3. This group is iliopsoas group is the main target of this eBook.
What is Psoas?
The Mighty Psoas is a special muscle deep inside hips and it is the most important muscles for fitness professionals such as in yoga, therapy, and rehabilitation.
Psoas is responsible for numerous significant activities. On structural level it is responsible for flexing the hip and stabilizing the spine. The most important thing about psoas is that it connects spine to the legs.
Main issue is that Psoas is deep in the body and therefore it is nearly impossible to access it. Stretching without specific series of different methods like lacrosse billing or foam rolling will never cut it. Here comes the real problem.
The Solution – Sequential Flow Method
Reaching Psoas is very difficult is by just stretching Hip Flexors with traditional stretches without step by step process which is well thought out and stand for reasons.
As unpacking a parcel or unfolding a sheet, opening up muscles in hips needs it to be done in right order. Releasing one muscle before the other and you will add to your tightness. Doing it wrong will make it worst.
The strength of technique lies not just in what and how well it is performed, however in doing these in right sequence, or as called by Mike and Rick “Sequential Flow Method”. It works to activate the natural healing process of your body, improve flexibility and add vitality and strength at the same time.
Movements done in right order unravels all tissues including Fascia, Muscles, Connective tissues, as well as the joint capsule and breaking up scar tissue as well.
The Sequential Flow Method has 6 different parts:
1- PNF Stretches
PNF is an abbreviation for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, which is a technique to actuatespecific muscle to relax muscles around jointsto decrease stiffness around that joint.
2- Dynamic Stretches
Here you are stimulating muscle around joint and in a progressive manner moving it through its full motion range. It increases range of motion around that joint, improve circulation around joint as well as warm up the muscle around that joint.
3- Dimensional Core Stability Exercise
These are the set of exercises that target the muscle in all the planes of movement sothe abdominal and core muscles have appropriate activation, strength and endurancein all the planes of movement that leads to a reduction in unwanted damaging stress on your joints.
4- Mobility Exercise
These are also a series of exercisesthattarget the joints and doing exercises and
makingmovements which help joint tofunction optimally and allow joints to move freely.
5- Fascia Stretching
This technique target tissue which muscles are enclosed in and working on relaxing and loosening as well as lengthening fascia.
6- Muscle Activation Movement
Because of sitting or daily technology abuse, most of our muscles aren’t working properly. This technique help to target all those muscles which are off and then stimulate them to help body move effectively.
There are altogether 12 different movements that Mike and Rick are going to tech you using above 6 techniques.
About Program – What is Included in Unlock Your Hip Flexors?
Program is packed with a series of goodies to help you activating process and loosening up to heal yourself. Let us have a quick glimpse of the content of the program.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors Videos
A video series to explain how to do the mentioned exercise to activate your hip flexors, sequential flow method and how to make most out of each workout. The video content is divided in 2 parts
- Instructional Videos
Here Rick takes you through workouts and explain why to do these exercises, their benefits in detail, what results you will achieve and best way of taking each and every exercise. Rick also describe how you should feel after every workout to let you know that you are going the right way.
- Follow Along Videos
Here is less talking and more action. You do not get the explanations here, but just the follow along what the demonstrator is doing and believe you will be well off.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors Manual
It goes deep into the details for Psoas and give you each and everything you want to know. It show how it can contribute to make your health deteriorate and to solve it. You get each exercise in video form, pictures explained at length.
BONUS Manuals
You will also get some insightful bonuses such as;
Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings
It helps you to take few minutes before you start your day. It help you to release your tight hamstrings muscles that are caused by sitting long hours, which bring you poor posture and cause pain in your lower back. Here you learn to keep all these problems at bay, even if you are squeeze with time to spend on sports.
The 7 Day Anti-inflammatory Diet
Valued at $17, this is a bonus that helps you get rid of the inflammation in your body that comes from the toxins in the food that you eat, or from the environment.
Worth $17, this bonus helps you to eliminate inflammation in your body which comes by toxins in food and environment. It include meal plan, recommended diet, grocery lists, and supplement tips. The healing process starts within 24 hours after you follow it.
Who is it For?
It quite easy to follow but it goes deep to make your muscles work properly and to their fullest potential. Therefore if you have any type problems in your muscles of you have certain stiffness in any part of your body it is for you.
Who is it not for?
This is not for those looking to build muscles as well as rip it off. Mike offers some other muscle building and weight training programs you can get if you are looking for muscle building or shaping your body. There aren’t any weight training guide included in this manual. Like all the other fitness programs it is not for people who look for quick fixes and want to solve their problems overnight. This programs works gradually and strengthen your muscle bit by bit so that the improvements can last for longer.
Also if you are not completely determined to make it work for you, you will have difficulties following this program. There are a lot of strengthening and stretching so you need to get your body up and be active to see desired results.
PROS of Unlock Your Hip Flexors
- It has detailed information about biomechanics and anatomy of human body.
- You can cure potentially many issues by opening your hip flexors.
- You will find the complete detail and video demonstration therefore there is virtually no chance of going wrong. It clearly elaborates the duration, number of sets and repetitions for all exercises.
- It has dynamic and static stretches, fascia stretches, mobility exercise, core exercises, muscle activating movements, and also PNF stretching
- It consists of exercises that takes only 10 minutes daily.
- When you read this book you will feel like you are in hands of a real healer.
- Price is affordable.
- Affordable price
- 60-day unconditional money back guarantee.
CONS of Unlock Your Hip Flexors
- Only available as digital product, for printed version do it your self
- Slightly over exaggeration, especially for few of the symptoms and the claim that tight psoas can ruin your life.
Does Unlock Your Hip Flexors By Mike Westerdral and Rick Kaselj Worth Buying?
Yes program is worth your money, just $50 for lifetime fix of your lower back and hip pain is not very much. Compare it with the cost of visiting hospital, which is 10 times more. My opinion is that you must give it a try, because when there is a 2 month money back guarantee, you can throw it back if you don’t like it. This program isn’t any scam and that is a proof that Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal has the real expertise required.