Triggers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and How to Avoid Them

A disorder affecting the large intestine, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause numerous symptoms. A person with IBS will have symptoms like abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, etc. It is a chronic condition, so you want to learn how you can manage it. When you know what could be causing IBS symptoms flare-ups or triggers, you can avoid them. You can work on dealing with problems like belly pain, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. Often, IBS is different for different individuals; however, it helps to note how you react to triggers of the symptoms and try to prevent them. You may want to seek the help of a naturopathic doctor in Salt Lake City, UT for integrative treatment of the disorder. So what are some of the triggers for IBS symptoms?

Diet-related triggers for constipation

When you have IBS, you may experience constipation that worsens when you eat foods like bread and cereals produced from refined grains, a high protein diet, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. Constipation may also occur when you eat processed foods like cookies and chips. To help minimize IBS constipation, you can eat food rich in fibers including whole-grain cereals and bread, fruits, beans, and vegetables. Also, consider eating in moderate amounts foods containing sugar substitute sorbitol like prune and plum juice. Try drinking plenty of water also.

Triggers for IBS diarrhea

Some foods can make IBS-related diarrhea to worsen and they include too much fiber, particularly the insoluble ones from skins of fruits and vegetables. Eating large meals and drinking carbonated beverages can also trigger diarrhea. If you are intolerant to lactose, you may experience this diarrhea. People allergic to wheat may find that gluten possesses problems.

To help reduce or stop diarrhea, you want to eat, in moderate amounts, foods with soluble fiber like oats, barley, whole wheat bread, and whole-grain pasta. Eat the flesh of fruits and not the skin. You may also consider dried fruits. You can consider drinking water before and after meals and not while eating. Eat foods in small amounts and stay away from onions, broccoli, and cabbage as they cause gas that makes you feel worse.

Stress triggers for IBS

Things like anxiety and stress can worsen your IBS syndrome. Many things can cause worries including problems at home, financial problems, work-related problems, and feeling that things are getting out of control. You can manage stress by choosing healthy habits like eating a well-balanced diet designed for IBS. Try to exercise regularly and get enough sleep. You can listen to music, go shopping, read, or take a walk. When you feel uncomfortable, you can try talking to close friends, family members, or co-workers about your IBS disorder.  Avoid alcohol as it can worsen the symptoms.

Knowing what triggers your IBS symptoms can go a long way in helping you learn how to manage the disorder. You want to ensure that you see a specialist in IBS treatment so that you get help.