Serious Signs of Gum Disease You Should be on the Lookout for

Spitting blood when brushing your teeth is one of the signs of gum disease. However, you might have experienced other warning signs like gum discoloration, pain, and swelling before it got to that point. Over time, your gum disease might develop into periodontitis. When you fail to see a specialist for gum disease & periodontics in Novi, opportunistic and chronic conditions such as diabetes, mouth cancer, and cardiac disease might also affect you. Find out what the Novi Family Dentistry team has to say about gum disease.

How to know if your gum disease is serious

Gum disease may develop due to bad oral care habits such as overbrushing or incorrect brushing styles. Other risk factors may include lifestyle habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco. Most people with gum disease do not even know if they have it until their gums start bleeding or they begin to feel pain. Seek periodontal care if you see the following signs:

  1. Gums swell and turn red

Take a look into the mirror. If you notice your gums have turned red and are swollen, you could have gum disease. You can also pay attention to how you feel when brushing. If you feel pain, your gums need periodontal care.

  1. Awful breath

Food particles leave bacteria in your mouth. You can prevent the bacteria from turning into plaque through brushing and flossing. But when you notice you have awful breath despite brushing twice a day, you could have gum disease. Overbrushing might not help much when you have already developed the disease, but periodontal care can.

  1. Gums diminishing in size

Your teeth stop growing when you hit adulthood. When you notice that your teeth seem longer than usual, your gums could be diminishing in size. It occurs when the bone wears out, causing your tooth and gums to separate. When this happens, your receding gums might affect your mouth functions and cause other oral complications. Please do not wait until it gets to this point before you see a dentist.

  1. Teeth do not achieve a proper bite

Bone loss can shift your teeth’ position, compromising your bite’s quality. If you notice that you bite your tongue when chewing food more than usual, see a dentist. Untreated gum disease can affect your mouth functions to the point of avoiding food altogether, which is a perfect recipe for malnutrition. Please do not assume it will get better with time. It will not unless your dentist determines the severity of your bone loss and how they can restore it.

See a periodontist to treat your gum disease

You can have gum disease and not experience more than two of these signs. It is also possible to notice only one sign. The primary goal of seeing a periodontist as soon as you notice something amiss with your gums is to get early treatment. Untreated gum disease is risky. You do not want to develop chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, or heart disease because you have not treated your gum disease. The treatment option your dentist chooses depends on your condition’s severity. To determine how gum disease develops and its treatment options, schedule a visit to your dentist today.