Is Recurrent Implantation Failure Frustrating You? Do Not Suffer in Secret

Repeated implantation failure is a cause of frustration to many women around the world. If you have recurrent implantation failure in Newport Beach, Fangyin Meng, MD, Ph.D. will assess the cause and recommend an ideal treatment option.

What is recurrent implantation failure?

It occurs after two or more embryos with high implantation potential fail to attach to the uterine wall. Even though several factors can cause a repeated implantation failure, there is no conclusive definition. Your doctor will recommend tests and follow-up appointments to avert such a problem in the future. In developing your treatment schedule, the specialist will conduct investigations that range from maternal tests to medications.

Possible Tests and Treatment Options

Most medical professionals agree that the quality of the embryos is the main cause of medically assisted procreation failure. It could be due to DNA alteration, gene mutation, or a high number of chromosomes. External factors such as your age and weight are responsible for the poor quality of the sperm and oocytes. Therefore, the embryo can be morphologically high quality but genetically a poor quality. Notably, poor genes can be transferred to the offspring.

In assessing the quality of the sperm, the doctor conducts a sperm fragmentation test and subsequently an ICSI treatment.

Clotting Screen or Thrombophilia

Clots in your blood are potential causes of implantation failure. However, your specialist can use aspirin or heparin injections in treating this condition.

Immune screen

High levels of white cells and auto-antibodies are prime causes of implantation failure. Antibodies may attack specific body organs, especially the uterine cells, which increase the possibility of repeated failure.

Your doctor will prescribe steroids and intralipids to your immune system in order to help the pregnancy develop. The doctor may conduct other trials to determine your suitability for treatment and recommend medications.

Some medications can affect the mother and her baby and therefore it is crucial to understand the inherent risk before the doctor prescribes the treatment.

Endometrial or Hysteroscopy Scratch 

Your specialist may recommend a hysteroscopy scratch. Here, the doctor puts you under general anesthesia and passes a flexible telescope into the womb. The aim is to check if any tissue formation, such as fibroids, may interfere with the implantation. The doctor removes any foreign tissues. Research shows that this method has a high chance of success.

Endometrial Receptivity Array

In this approach, your doctor removes a small piece of tissue from your womb for genetic analysis. The implantation is scheduled either at the onset of your menstrual cycle or later on. Moving the embryo at the right time boosts the chance of positive implantation and a successful cycle.

Time-lapse Imaging

Time-lapse imaging allows the doctor to note significant changes in the embryo and monitor the development. Laser-assisted hatching is a chemical treatment option before the embryo is transferred. It helps in weakening the embryo shell and boosting the chance of implantation.

When you are ready to discuss the treatment options for a failed implantation, Fangyin Meng, MD, Ph.D. is ready to assist. For more information, book a consultation today.