Get a Better Smile at Ueno Center

The process of replacing multiple missing teeth once with dental implants is called teeth-in-a-day, and it is done by the aid of dental surgeons and restorative specialists. If you live in or around Campbell teeth-in-a-day may be an option for you to get a full-mouth restoration in just a single visit, and you can go home with a temporary tooth set.

Healing of the jaws may take up to four-month, so deciding to go for teeth-in-a-day is something to take seriously. But the results are worth it! Dental specialists recommend liquids and soft foods for up to six weeks to aid in effective jaw healing. After the permanent restoration of teeth, you can eat or drink any food substances with zero problems. To keep your better-looking smile, home care and yearly dental cleanings are required.

Ueno Center also provides the following services: gum treatment, dental implant, immediate implant placement, laser therapy, platelet-rich fibrin, gum grafting, sedation, gum & periodontal disease prevention and healing, deep cleaning, and oral DNA.

  •       Gum treatment

Ueno Center has a team of highly skilled periodontists who can offer gum treatment like teeth cleaning, scaling, root planing, and flap surgery. Roughly sixty-five million Americans suffer from some gum disease and need treatment before it gets worse. Gum disease can lead to various oral issues like loose teeth, bone deterioration, and tooth loss. Gum disease also leads to other complications like heart disease and diabetes, therefore, investing in gum treatment is necessary to preserve one’s smile and physical health. Gum treatment includes deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, flap surgery, bone surgery, and bone and tissue grafts.

  •       Dental implant

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Titanium alloys are used to replace joints because titanium is biocompatible and will not affect your bones. For a weaker bone, a bone graft can be necessary to fortify the bone. For an implant to happen, a CT scan is used to view your jawline to ensure surgery is possible. Next is to remove the original, damaged tooth to make way for an implant.

  •       Laser therapy

Laser therapy can treat gum disease, treat infected implants, and create a healthy mouth. Ueno Center offers laser therapy to fix periodontal diseases with no scalpels, no suture, and minimal downtime. A laser is used to kill bacteria causing gum disease and reattach healthy and better tissues.

  •       Teeth-in-a-day

The teeth-in-a-day process begins with high-resolution images of the mouth. The image is useful to a dental surgeon and restorative dentist in the planning of treatment.  After the removal of all diseased or damaged teeth, the surgeon may suggest the use of platelet-rich fibrin, which acts as an accelerator of the healing process. After oral surgery, a restorative dentist creates and attaches a temporary teeth set, which aids its clients in not experiencing life without teeth. After the teeth-in-a-day procedure, the jaw needs to heal, and this may take four months. After the jaw heals, a permanent set of teeth replace the temporary set. Regular checkups are necessary for effective healing as the surgeon can detect any failure and correct it within a short period of time. For a healthy-looking smile and proper protection of the dental implant, exceptional home care and dental cleaning yearly is needed.