Fixing Hip Setbacks through Revision Surgery

According to statistics, the number of people who have had hip replacements has increased over the years, making it a common procedure. The rise in number is an indication of improved healthcare services offering quality treatment to patients. However, some people may experience setbacks from the surgery whereby the prosthetic hip is affected by some biological or mechanical problems. If you have been affected by these setbacks, worry no more as Chevy Chase hip revision surgery specialists Gautam Siram, MD, and the team are ready to fix your hip problem.

During revision hip surgery, the surgeon removes the prosthetic hip to fix the problem. Here is what you need to learn about hip surgery.

Why it’s done

Here are some of the conditions that necessitate one to seek hip surgery.

  • Osteoarthritis: Damages the cartilage that protects the bones from friction.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Involves the immune system attacking the lining of the joint capsule. The lining becomes inflamed and swollen, causing pain.
  • Osteonecrosis. Deformation of the bone due to the insufficient blood supply to the hip joint caused by a fracture or dislocation. 

Reasons that might force you to consider getting a hip replacement include;

  •   Pain Persists, despite medication
  •   Interferes with your sleep
  •   It makes it difficult to get dressed
  •   It affects your ability to go up or downstairs
  •   It makes it difficult to rise from a seated position.


Risks that lead to hip replacement surgery can include:

  •   Blood clots
  •   Infection
  •   Fracture
  •   Dislocation
  •   Change in leg length
  •   Loosening
  •   Nerve damage

Need for hip revision surgery

When you get a hip replacement at a young age, the prosthetic hip joint may wear out with time since, at a tender age, one is very active, calling for revision surgery to fix the problem.

How you prepare

Before surgery, your surgeon will carry out an examination. The surgeon will:

  •   Inquire into your medical history and any medications you may be using
  •   Examine your prosthetic hip, to check your motion and muscle strength
  •   Carry out blood tests and an X-ray

What happens during the procedure?

The procedure takes a few hours, and during the procedure, you surgeon;

  •   Begins by making an incision on the hip through tissue layers
  •   Removes the damaged prosthetic hip bone and cartilage
  •   Implants a new prosthetic socket to replace the damaged one
  •   Replaces your femur round ball with a prosthetic ball

Since technology is evolving each day, less invasive surgical techniques are coming up

How to prevent blood clots after surgery

The following measures apply to prevent you from having a blood clot which is most likely after surgery;

  •   Walking soon after surgery
  •   Applying pressure to prevent blood from pooling in your legs
  •   Blood-thinning medication
  •   Physical therapy

A physical therapist assists you with exercises to speed up your recovery. Exercises help you to regain your strength and enhance your mobility.

Don’t let your hip prevent you from carrying out your daily activities. Visit Gautam Siram and get your problem fixed.