Everything You Need to Know about Varicose Veins

Do you have varicose veins or spiderweb-like veins that are causing you serious discomfort? If yes, then it is time you considered going for treatment.  The veins can put you at risk for complicated conditions such as blood clots or even open sores on your legs. Luckily, Dr, Atur Kasha who specializes in minimally invasive outpatient treatment for varicose veins in El Paso can help you get your skin back on track. But before you book your appointment at Desert West Vein & Surgery Center, understanding why they occur and how they can be treated is the first step you need to take.

How varicose veins come about

Whenever your veins rupture or get damaged, you are likely to get varicose veins. The condition occurs when small one-way valves inside the veins become weak. Naturally, the valves are supposed to channel blood in one direction, which is back to the heart. But when they become weak, some blood may start to flow backward, causing it to flood in the vein.

As more blood in the vein keeps putting pressure on the walls of the vein, they tend to become weak and bulge. The causes of varicose veins vary depending on the patient’s hereditary factors or lifestyle habits such as sitting or standing for long periods of time. These veins may worsen with age or during pregnancy.

How varicose veins are treated

While surgical procedures can help restore the structure of the varicose veins, it is advisable to start with a minimally invasive procedure. But before a dermatologist chooses to go for the latter, new varicose veins can be prevented using self-care tips. They may include exercise, elevating your legs, and avoiding hot baths for long periods of time. But these remedies are only helpful when the varicose veins are causing your discomfort.

When to see a dermatologist for a varicose treatment

To qualify for treatment for spider veins, your doctor will examine your legs while you are standing to check for swelling. They may also ask you whether you feel any pain or aching in your legs. In other cases, an ultrasound test may be conducted to display the position of the valves in your veins to confirm if they are functioning normally, or if they are subject to a blood clot.

During a noninvasive test, the technician moves a small hand device (transducer) on your skin over the area of your body that is being examined. The device transmits images of the veins in your legs to a computer monitor for the technician and your dermatologist to see. If they sense anything abnormal, then they will develop either a noninvasive or surgical treatment plan for you.

You do not need to live with varicose veins

Whether you have just noticed varicose veins recently or have lived with it for years, finding out whether they are harmful through a dermatologist is a good idea. If you want to learn more about diagnosis and treatment plans for varicose veins, consult a dermatologist today.