Diagnosis and treatment of Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory infection that affects the digestive tract from the mouth up to the anus. However, the condition can show itself in different parts. The most affected are the small intestine and colon. Crohn’s disease in Santa Monica manifests various symptoms in different patients. Therefore, it is advisable only to follow experts’ reports to identify whether you are suffering from the condition or not.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

A medical term, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), is used to describe all diseases caused by chronic inflammation to part or all of the digestive tract. The two main types of IBD include Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. These bowel diseases are life-threatening. Their characteristics include diarrhea and abdominal pain, which can be debilitating at times. It is essential to follow a medical professional if you want to know your IBD status or you have a known diagnosis.

Causes of Crohn’s Disease

The cause of Crohn’s disease is yet unknown. Some recent evidence shows that it might be a result of a genetic component in the etiology of Crohn’s. Since a person’s susceptibility is not only based on genetics, there is a possibility that a virus or bacteria may have triggered the disease as the immune system grows weaker. Several factors are still undiscovered which plays a significant role in the development of the disease.

Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Based on the position and severity of the inflammation in the digestive tract, symptoms can range from mild to severe. For the majority of people, they will go through a period without any signs. Crohn’s common symptoms include diarrhea, stool with blood particles, pain, cramping of the abdomen, and unintentional weight loss. The patient may experience a reduced appetite, sores in the mouth, fever, fatigue, and perianal infection which is drainage of inflammation around the anus.

Potential Complications of Crohn’s Disease

A patient who has Crohn’s infection may develop arthritis, eye problems, skin complications, chronic liver conditions, a narrowing or partial obstruction of the colon from chronic inflammation, high chances of colorectal cancer, and anal diseases such as fistula and fissures.

Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease

With no specific diagnostics for Crohn’s disease, firstly, the patient’s medical history and a physical exam will be taken. Then blood work that will look for abnormal IBD serology and an elevated inflammatory marker will indicate the presence of IBD in the patient. Colonoscopy and pill cam capsule procedures will visualize different parts of the digestive system to identify any visual and pathological signs while performing the colonoscopy.

Treatment of Crohn’s disease

In the beginning, treatments focus on medications that reduce inflammation, and help control and reduce future tissue damage. In some cases, doctors can give a hefty dose of cortisone or steroids to control severe symptoms. For the mild-moderate instances, they can require administering anti-inflammatory medications to have the condition under control. Immune-system suppressors are given in moderate to severe patients to block the body’s immune response. Antibiotics are needed sometimes since bacterial infections can accompany Crohn’s illness. Surgery may be applicable in extreme cases. Although medicine doesn’t cure Crohn’s, the doctor will be required to remove the damaged portion or drain an abscess or fistula.

In conclusion, Crohn’s disease is an illness that affects the digestive tract. With its cause being unknown, Crohn’s symptoms may range from mild to severe depending on the affected part or severity. There is no specific cure for the disease, but some measures can be put into consideration to reduce its damages.