Best 8 Books to Help You Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Your body changes a lot during pregnancy. While it’s important to allow it to heal and for you to get used to some of these changes in time, you can also start your weight-loss journey as soon as you feel like it.

Here are eight books that will help you lose weight safely after pregnancy.

The HD Diet: Achieve Lifelong Weight Loss with Chia Seed and Nature’s Water-Absorbent Foods

The best diets are nutrient-rich – this is especially important right after pregnancy and if you are still breast-feeding. The HD Diet book envisions a 12-week plan that will encourage you to eat water-rich and nutrient-dense foods.

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

If it’s the feeling of bloated stomach you want to get rid of, you need to read this book. You will start losing weight fast and feel a lot better when you swap your whole grains for vegetables and protein.

The Starch Solution

The Starch Solution is another good plant-based eating program you might enjoy. The book’s emphasis is on eating starchy vegetables and the instructions and recommendations are easy to follow. You will have more energy and it will be easier to make healthier choices.

8 Minutes in the Morning

It’s important to focus on wholesome wellness after pregnancy. 8 Minutes in the Morning is a book that helps you do just that – it’s based on easy strength-training and additional energy. You won’t just start feeling lighter but also stronger and more energetic.

Eat to Live

You shouldn’t make diet life restricting and complicated. That’s why Eat to Live is a great program by Joel Fuhrman. It focuses on small changes and healthier choices. It’s definitely a doable plan for a busy new mother.

The Sugar Smart Diet

You might have developed a sweet tooth during pregnancy when cravings are at their worst. If you want to learn to control this The Sugar Smart diet is your book It can help you kick your sugar addiction and lose pounds in the meantime.

The Hungry Girl Diet

The Hungry Girl Diet doesn’t talk about portion control but instead, the book wants to make choosing healthier options easier. It’s about finding the foods you can eat without having to worry about the intake. You’ll have a limited selection of foods to eat but it can make your hectic schedule much more bearable.

The Whole30

If you want to examine your body and how it responds to certain foods, The Whole30 is a 30-day plan to help you do just that. You will eliminate foods first and lose weight and slowly introduce foods back to your allows you to see, which foods work for you and which don’t.

All the above eight books are worth considering if you want to lose the baby-weight efficiently and safely. You can find the books online and use savings code from Frugaa to keep the prices down – you can even find some in audiobook format!
So, pick the books that best suit your eating habits and problems – remember to stay patient and treat your body with love.