Often, you may feel tingling, numbness, or shooting pain in your fingers. This could mean that your fingers are asleep and, therefore, no need for alarm. However, in case of persistent symptoms, this could be carpal tunnel syndrome, which should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid further complications. Westfield carpal tunnel syndrome specialists at Genesis Regenerative Sports and Aesthetic Medicine can help you understand more about this condition.
The Wrist
In your wrist anatomy, the carpal tunnel is a part of the wrist and acts as the passageway. It is fabricated by tiny bones within your wrist that swathes and safeguards the nerves and ligaments leading to your hand. The median nerve is one of the nerves passing through the carpal tunnel and twigs out into many nerves that control your fingers’ feelings and some thumb movement.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This is a condition where the carpal tunnel becomes narrowed, compressing the median nerve in your wrist. This can be caused by the swelling of tissues and ligaments throughout your wrist. This can be a result of injuries, overuse, repetitive wrist movements, and arthritis.
If left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can worsen. This is because the median nerve can be entirely damaged beyond repair. Therefore, take a step and contact the team of specialists at Genesis Regenerative Sports and Aesthetic Medicine in case you have symptoms that persist.
Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Several symptoms can result from carpal tunnel and appear slowly over time, beginning on your thumb and progressing to your fingers. They include:
- Burning or pain in your thumb and fingers.
- Numbness or tingling in your thumb and fingers.
- Shock sensations radiating to the tips of your fingers.
- Hand and wrist weakness.
Carpal Tunnel Risk Factors
Several factors are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome in that they may directly or indirectly affect the median nerve. They include:
- Anatomic factors.
- Sex.
- Nerve-damaging conditions.
- Inflammatory conditions.
- Medications.
- Obesity.
- Workplace factors.
Treatments for Carpal Tunnel
At Genesis Regenerative Sports and Aesthetic Medicine, several treatment procedures can be used to restore your comfort and mobility. They include:
Cortisone Injection
This type of steroid is often recommended if the carpal tunnel pain has been present for one year or less. Ultrasound imaging is used to guide a needle into your carpal tunnel for the drug injection. As a result, the inflammation and the pressure in the median nerve are relieved.
This involves braces or splints to prevent the affected wrist from flexing and extending, which causes further damage and results in worsening symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
This is necessary when repetitive motion is the cause of your condition. You can take a break from your activities or do less work.
To some levels of your condition, stretching and strengthening moves can relieve your pain. You can also help the nerve move better within your carpal tunnel through gliding exercises.
How You Can Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
You can try to do the following to avoid the complication.
- Keep your hands warm.
- Take breaks whenever you can.
- Putting your hands and wrist in the right position while you work.
- Keep your wrist straight.
- Use a splint or brace to help maintain a neutral wrist position.
To sum up, carpal tunnel symptoms can be mild and can go away with no time. However, if symptoms persist, it can be severe, requiring expert medical attention. You can reach out to Genesis Regenerative Sports and Aesthetic Medicine to learn more about the condition.