is usually caused by hormonal fluctuations or bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands. This skin condition typically develops during the teenage years when you go through major hormonal changes. Common acne sites are the face, shoulder, back and sometimes chest. Basically, wherever there are oil glands present on your body, there is a possibility of acne developing.
Although acne is not a serious health threat and there are some great acne products available in the market made solely for treating acne-related problems, there are several small changes you can make to your lifestyle to reduce this problem to a great extent. While no one can eliminate the chances of getting the odd pimple here and there completely, you can make significant progress in reducing your acne and blemishes through the use of tried and tested remedies.
In this article, we discuss 5 helpful tips to help you get rid of acne.
- Keep the acne-prone area clean
People who have acne often tend to get pimples in particular areas of their body such as their face or back. If you wish to get rid of your acne, the first thing you need to do is take extra steps in keeping that area clean. Wash the acne site at least twice a day to avoid infections and remove all the dirt and makeup properly to stop pore-clogging. Doing so will remove any dead skin cells, impurities and extra oil from your skin’s surface which are all causes of acne.
Remember to never use hot water on acne-prone skin as it makes acne worse; warm water is the right choice. Also, avoid beauty soaps as they are harsh on acne and are likely to cause irritation and hurt your already inflamed skin – a gentle cleanser is a better choice. When cleaning your face, do not scrub too hard as this can also worsen acne. You should also be mindful of changing your towel often as dirty towels also spread bacteria easily.
- Keep your skin moisturized
When you use makeup and other beauty products on your skin, the ingredients they contain have the tendency to dry out your skin. Therefore, it is always a good idea to thoroughly cleanse your skin once you are done and wash it and moisturize it so that it restores its natural beauty.
Make sure to always keep your skin moisturized using a product that suits you. Moisturizers come for all skin types – for oily, dry or combination skin – invest in a quality moisturizer that is made for your skin type. If your acne is in a very sensitive condition, it is best to only use a medicated moisturizer.
- Use the right acne products and medications
Good-quality acne products and medicines actually work to reduce acne, without harming your skin. All you have to do is find the right ones. Firstly, over-the-counter products that contain Benoxyl and PanOxyl are best avoided as they are made to only target the bacteria on the surface of your skin, which can worsen the acne.
Acne starts with skin irritation so it is best to never ignore the early signs. If your skin is itchy or red, it could be a signal of a possible breakout and it is a good idea to take action immediately before it aggravates. You can start by increasing your water intake and cutting back on any sugary or greasy foods. Vitamin A derivatives also help with skin irritation. Differin and Tazorac are both Vitamin A derivatives that are effective in treating acne.
Vitamin E and B3 are useful for treating acne and so is zinc –it is included in many of the skin ointments and creams used for acne treatment. Zinc can also be taken orally in the form of supplements to reduce acne -research has shown that people with acne tend to have lower zinc levels than those who don’t.
- Use home remedies
Home remedies provide some safe and effective ways to treat acne. One of the most common ones involves using lemons to get rid of pimples as well as scars. Lemon is a great antiseptic and cleaning agent for acne. All you have to do is squeeze a lemon, apply the juice on the acne-prone area with a cotton ball and wash off after 10 minutes. However, if you feel any irritation after using lemon, it is best to avoid it.
Another great home remedy is to use a mask of honey and turmeric. This mask will act as an antioxidant and reduce inflammation, which helps reduce acne. Alternatively, you can also try honey with cinnamon – both have antibacterial properties to help treat acne.
The basic cause of acne is oil and clogged pores. These natural remedies reduce excessive oil production and bacteria and have no side effects, which means they are definitely worth a try. You just have to be patient to see the results; it takes some time to heal.
- Make some lifestyle changes
A good diet makes your skin glow as it feeds your skin with all the healthy nutrients. Processed foods and those with high sugar content such as cakes, pastries, doughnuts, breakfast cereals, and white bread are known to cause acne. The same goes for oily and greasy food. Instead, increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and grains that go through minimal processing.
Exercise should also be a part of your routine if you wish to get rid of acne. It increases blood circulation, which means more nourishment of the skill cells, resulting in healthier skin. It also regulates hormones and speeds up metabolism. Exercising for half an hour, 3-4 times a week is good enough for a healthy adult. Make sure to shower right after exercise or any sports you play, this will wash away the sweat that could irritate your acne-prone skin.
Stay out of the sun as much as possible – when you do go out, always use a good sunblock and avoid staying in the sun for longer periods of time. Sunblock with SPF 30 or higher is good for saving you from the harmful rays. Like all the other products you choose, make sure your sunblock is also non-comedogenic.
Relax and don’t stress out, the severity of acne can increase with stress because stress disturbs your hormones.
Keep your hands off your face and avoid touching the acne-prone area. Bacteria easily spread by touching it, and you irritate your skin further. Popping pimples and acne can also leave permanent scars.
When your skin is already in a sensitive condition, makeup could cause more damage if it’s a low-quality product with harmful chemicals. If you do use makeup, always make sure to clean it properly afterward by washing your face with water. Before buying makeup look at the ingredients and choose oil-free cosmetics.
Be careful when using any kind of hair product from dyes, hair colors, gel, hair oil, and fragrances. These products often have chemicals that could cause a skin emergency when they come in contact with your acne. Use a medicated shampoo and conditioner that is gentle on your skin and doesn’t cause irritation.
If you wear sunglasses, clean them frequently to keep the oil and dirt clogging around your eye and nose area.
Tight clothes and any fabric around your face will heat up your skin through friction and sweating and make acne worse. Wear loose, breathable clothes instead.
Acne can be mild, moderate or severe in condition, but how quickly it heals depends wholly on how well you take care of the acne areas and your overall health to give it an environment to heal. The above tips can significantly improve acne for most people. But if you see no improvement, it is best to visit a dermatologist who can guide you about your skin condition.